Time to Negotiate for Peace in Space

"At this unique time in history when it is imperative that nations of the world join in cooperation to share resources to end the global plague assaulting its inhabitants and to avoid catastrophic climate destruction or earth-shattering nuclear devastation," writes Slater, "we are instead squandering our treasure and intellectual capacity

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Valentine’s Day Drone Action

"Love in Action!" at Hancock Airbase,14 February, 2021 February 11, 2021,  On Sunday, Feb. 14th at 1 pm, members of many groups invited by Upstate Drone Action, will gather for "Love in Action," a Valentine’s Day Drone Action at Hancock Field, in Syracuse, the 174th Attack Wing of the NY Air

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Whitewashing Britain’s largest intelligence agency

Satellite dishes at GCHQ Bude in Cornwall (Photo: Nilfanion / Wikimedia) By Richard Norton Taylor, Published by Declassified UK, 10 February 2021 The new ‘authorised history’ of GCHQ, Britain’s largest intelligence agency, ignores or simply dismisses its most controversial activities as supposed scandals, giving a thoroughly one-sided account of the

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