NOTE:Important GN Space Alert Interviews can be found here.

Videos shown here are mainly produced by GN Board Member Will Grifin of “The Peace Report” and recordings of relevant webinars organised by the Global Network. We also included at one time, interviews conducted by Regis Tremblay but they have now been deleted by Youtube because they were considered ‘undesirable and biased’.
Agneta Norberg (Sweden): US presence & military development in Sweden
Dr. Dave Webb (UK): Concerns about spaceports & militarisation of space
Choi Sung-Hee (Korea): Role of the space industry in South Korea
Aruna Kammila (India): Israel and Hamas issue
Karl Grossman (US): Mining the Sky
Dr Sandeepa Bhat B (India): Space Security from the Indian Perspective
Bruce Gagnon (US): Panel discussion moderator
15 March 2024 Late last year the US-ROK held a large space industry conference in the capital city of Seoul. The U.S. is recruiting its global allies to help fund the expensive space war infrastructure system. The U.S. (with $35 trillion in debt) can’t afford to pay for what the aerospace industry press has long called the ‘largest industrial project in human history’. Thus the allies will help fund the program and their aerospace industries will get a piece of the action – $$$$$. But the Pentagon will remain in charge of the ‘tip of the spear’.
- Dr. Dave Webb (UK) Overview of current space warfare system
- Agneta Norberg (Sweden) Sweden-a platform for US war on Russia
- Koohan Mander Paik (Hawaii) Clash of Paradigms: Pacific Peoples vs. Pentagon Robots
- Subrata Ghoshroy (Boston) From ANZUS to Quad, US policy to contain China
- Tamara Lorincz (Canada) With the Militarization of Space by NATO and NORAD, What Are the Possibilities for Peace in Space?
- Bruce Gagnon (Maine) Moderator
International Conference on Space Tourism
29 January 2022 – Hosted by: The Centre for Aviation and Space Laws, WBNUJS, Kolkata
Speakers include GN Board members, Sandeepa Baht, Bruce Gagnon, Karl Grossman and Dave Webb
Karl Grossman interviews Bruce Gagnon
The Deadly Connection between Space Militarization and the Climate Crisis
Dave Webb (UK) – Board chair of the Globan Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and previous chair of UK’s Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
Koohan Paik-Mander – a Hawaii-based journalist and media educator. She is a board member of the Global Network and the CODEPINK working group “China is Not Our Enemy.” She formerly served as campaign director of the Asia-Pacific program at the International Forum on Globalization.
Bruce Gagnon – Coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
– the role of militarism in climate justice
Adrienne served from 1994 to 2004 in the US Army as an Arabic linguist. In 2007 she became a peace and social justice activist with Iraq Veterans Against the War. She is currently residing in Upstate NY and is the President of Veterans For Peace in the United States. Adrienne also previously worked as a Veterans’ counselor and social worker.
David Collins (VFP UK):
David, a Royal Marine Officer Veteran and long-time Veterans For Peace UK member, previously attended the COP25 Climate Change Conference in Madrid. David and VFP UK’s goal is to increase awareness of the impacts of war and militarism on climate change. “War is not the solution to the problems we face in the 21st century!” – VFP UK
Ashik Siddique (National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies):
Ashik is a research analyst for the National Priorities Project, working on analysis of the federal budget and military spending. The GN contributions start at 41:33 minutes in.
Britain, ‘DARC’, and the US military’s control of the ‘space domain
Bård’s book:The Satellite War
Book review here
15-16 October 2020 – GN Panel at the “Space Education and Strategic Applications Conference”
Organised by the Policy Studies Organization Moderator: Dave Webb, Chair for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the UK, VP of the International Peace Bureau, and patron of Scientists for Global Responsibility.
Bruce Gagnon, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space;
Karl Grossman, State University of New York/College of Old Westbury;
Aruna Kammila, Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, India;
Tamara Lorincz, Ph.D. candidate in Global Governance at the Balsillie School for International Affairs at Wilfrid Laurier University.
Global Network 2008 Conference in Nebraska: http://space4peace.org/reports/report_from_omaha_0408.htm
Breaking Defense article on STRATCOM: https://bit.ly/2Jc2Rqr
– Dave Webb’s presentation on Raytheon