‘This Issue’ broadcasts have now ended but Bruce Gagnon interviews have become ‘Space Alert’ videos and moved on to youtube. They are available here.
‘Big Issue’ recordings:
- with Richard Rhames on Iran conflict (January, 2020);
- with Moms Demand Action on Guns (November, 2019);
- with Lisa Savage on militarism & climate catastrophe (August, 2019);
- with Bill Bliss on Russia study tour (June, 2019);
- with John Morris Critiques Zumwalt Destroyer at BIW (April, 2019);
- with Tanya Burkharina on what’s going on in Crimea (February, 2019);
- with Bruce Gagnon on Trump’s Space Force (August, 2018);
- with Orlando Delogu on Maine’s beaches should be public (June, 2018);
- with Bob Klotz on GD corporate welfare campaign (April, 2018);
- with Mark Roman on BIW/GD $60 million tax break (February, 2018);
- with Orlando Delogu on opposing tax subsidy for General Dynamics/BIW (December, 2017)
- with Will Griffin and Joyakgol discuss US policy in the Asia-Pacific region (October, 2017);
- with Mary Beth Sullivan on human needs over military spending (September, 2017);
- with Lisa Savage interviews Bruce Gagnon on US foreign policy (July, 2017);
- with Russell Wray on Navy sonar impact on sea life (April, 2017);
- with Rosalie Tyler Paul on Trump administration (February, 2017);
- with Phui Yi Kong – Reflections on the U.S. (October, 2016);
- with Kyle Bailey on Ranked Choice Voting (September, 2016);
- with John Peck & Connie Jenkins Arrested in Maine (July, 2016);
- with Lisa Savage on Pentagon’s carbon bootprint (May, 2016);
- with Christine DeTroy on growing up in Nazi Germany (January, 2016);
- with Len Yannielli on climate change and more (no longer available);
- with Sherri Mitchell, Native American lawyer from the Penobscot Nation (July, 2015);
- with Dud Hendrick on Apartheid in Palestine (August, 2015);
- with Regina Hagen on EU space policy & Ukraine (June, 2015);
- with Paco Michelson & Hee Eun Park on Jeju Island Navy base (April, 2015);
- with Kay Mann on climate change (February, 2015);
- with Leslie Manning – Budgets are Moral Documents (January, 2015);
- with Jason Rawn – Maine Walk for Peace & a Sustainable Future (October, 2014);
- with Billy Roxon on climate change (September, 2014);
- with Jon Olsen – Movement to return Hawaiian sovereignty (August, 2014);
- with Miriam Pemberton from the Institute for Policy Studies, Washington DC (July, 2014);
- with Leslie Manning on Converting Maine’s war economy (June, 2014);
- with Richard Rhames on Ukraine and local issues (May, 2014);
- with Zumwalt Destroyer Protest at BIW (April, 2014);
- with Doug Rawlings from Maine Veterans for Peace (April, 2014);
- with Lisa Savage from CodePink on drones, missile defense, and conversion (March, 2014);
- with Pastor Bill Bliss on radical love (February, 2014);
- with Orlando Delogu on corporate welfare in Maine and the nation (January, 2014);
- with Lorry Fleming & Howard Waxman on campaign to stop Bath Iron Works tax breaks (November, 2013);
- with Dr Julie Pease on Obamacare (November, 2013);
- with Leonard Yannielli from Vinalhaven, Maine on his experiences being fired from his teaching position during the Vietnam war (September, 2013);
- with Shenna Bellows from ACLU Maine on drones &surveillance (August, 2013);
- with Fred Horch on Energy issues (July, 2013);
- with Richard Rhames on Growing Corporate Control of Democracy (April, 2012);
- with Regis Tremblay on Jeju Island, South Korea (March, 2013);
- with Jerry Provencher – Move to Amend (February, 2013);
- with Bob Klotz on Climate Change (January, 2013);
- with Ed Friedman on Smart meters and climate change (December, 2012);
- with Kathy Kelly on Afghanistan & endless war (September, 2012);
- with Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party candidate for president (September, 2012);
- East-West Highway Corridor through Maine (July, 2012);
- Jeju Island’s Struggle against Navy Base (June, 2012);
- with Regis Tremblay – Latest on the Occupy movement (May, 2012);
- with John Favreau & Peter Feeney from the Long Branch School & General Store in Bowdoinham, Maine (March, 2012);
- with Richard Rhames – Dismantling social progress (April, 2012);
- A Play – Herman and Constance Dollagrabber representing the 1% (February, 2012);
- with Ed Fridman – “Smart” meters (January, 2012);
- with Jerry Provencher – Occupy movement (December, 2011);
- with Elizabeth Gould & Paul Fitzgerald in a discussion of their new book “Crossing Zero: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire”(October, 2011);
- with Walk for Fukushima (October, 2011);
- with Lisa Savage – Teacher & peace activist talks about war spending (August, 2011);
- with Regina Hagen – German peace & anti-nuclear activist on space issues (July, 2011);
- with Robert Shetterly Artist, Americans Who Tell the Truth series (May 2011);
- with John Reed – Author, Elegant Simplicity: Reflections on an Alternate Way of Being (April, 2011);
- with Richard Rhames – Destruction of social progress (March, 2011);
- with Sudanese community leaders in Maine (February, 2011);
- with Alex Valente & Nicole Moreau – Student leaders at UM-F (December, 2010);
- with Debbie Atwood – Bring Our War $$ Home (September, 2010);
- with Tom Sturtevant – Korean War veteran (July, 2010);
- with Barbara West & Stan Lofchie – Let Cuba Live June 2010);
- with Edgar Cahan – Founder of Time Banking (April, 2010);
- with Richard Rhames – a Maine farmer on fading democracy in America (March, 2010);
- with Amory Weld – the Transition town movement (February, 2010);
- with Mark Roman – Afghanistan and drones (December, 2009);
- with David Swanson – The imperial presidency and the weak Congress (November, 2009);
- with former US Marine Jake Diliberto and Nathan Havey – Rethink Afghanistan (September, 2009);
- with Lisa Savage – Afghanistan organizing in Maine (August, 2009)
- with Dud Hendrick – Impact of US Military Bases on Indigenous Peoples (July, 2009);
- with Jerry Call – The need for single payer (Medicare for all) health care (May, 2009);
- with Amy Dowley – Take Back the Tap water campaign in Maine (April, 2009);
- with Peter Woodruff – Bath Iron Works worker on building wind turbines (February, 2009);
- with Richard Rhames – Maine farmer on the economic collapse (no longer available);
- with Chalmers Hardenbergh – Need for railroads in Maine (no longer available);
- with Lu Bauer and Chris Miller – Organizing Against Real ID (no longer available);
- with Herb Hoffman – Independent Candidate for U.S. Senate in Maine (no longer available);
- with Shenna Bellows – The Challenge to Protect our Civil Liberties (no longer available);
- with Dr. Bill Clark – Health Care is a Human Right (no longer available);
- with Bruce Gagnon interviewed by Rosie Tyler Paul about a coming U.S. attack on Iran (no longer available);
- with Ed Friedman – Environmentalist discusses dams killing fish (no longer available);
- with Karen D’Andrea – Progressive Radio Show Host & Activist (no longer available);
- with Kathleen McGee – Social Justice Activist (no longer available);
- with Dave Webb – Professor of Engineering & Peace in Space Campaigner (April, 2007);
- with Natasha Mayers – Maine artist and activist (March, 2007);
- with Dud Hendrick – Veterans for Peace and Maine Impeachment campaign (no longer available).