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A Booklet on the UK’s role in the Militarisation of Space

A Booklet on Space Force from ‘Beyond Nuclear‘

Stalking the Bear by Baard Wormdal
“As one of the two principal partners for United States’ technical intelligence, Norway is THE dream partner. This emerged from a document from the National Security Agency, NSA, made public by the whistleblower Edward Snowden. But why is Norway so important?
For over 70 years, the Norwegian military intelligence service has maintained a secret, formal, direct collaboration with the NSA and the CIA, outside the scope of NATO. The general public were also kept unaware of this cooperation. This book is the first uncensored book on the development of this cooperation aimed at the Soviet Union and later Russia.
To what extent does the collaboration serve American interests? To what extent does it serve Norwegian interests? Then it must be asked; To what degree is the collaboration subject to democratic, Norwegian control?
This book tells the stories of the Norwegian Intelligence Service’s intelligence stations located in northern Norway, close to the border of the superpower in the east – Russia. It lays bare the more or less successful endeavours to keep these stations’ purposes secret, the importance of these facilities for the military, and the relationship with local communities where stations were located. Through personal interviews, a number of former employees of the Norwegian military intelligence provide unique insight into one of the world’s foremost intelligence alliances.”
Get it from Amazon
Latest Newsletter:

You can order copies of our latest newsletter for local distribution. Let us know how many you’d like and please make a donation to cover mailing/printing costs. Pay what you can best afford.

Order a signed copy of the 2008 republished version of Bruce Gagnon’s new book for $18.00
($15.00 each for orders of 10 books or more.
Please contact the GN office for details)
Bumper stickers:

Pick one or more of “No Weapons in Space” or “Keep Space for Peace”.
Send $2 each plus a self addressed stamped envelope to the GN today.
T-shirts, long sleeve shirts and hoodies
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The Global Network shirts come in 5 colours
sell for between $22 and $37.99 in a range of sizes
International orders can be made but with additional shipping cost
See the full range and order yours from ‘Bonfire’ not from us!
“Don’t Take the Peace” Hoodies (£40) and “Don’t Take the Peace” T-shirts (£20)
are also available in the UK through the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
To Order all but T-shirts:
Send your check or money order to:
Global Network, PO Box 652, Brunswick, ME04011
Pay just below at the Green Donate button – be sure to specify what you are ordering in the ‘Note’ section
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Call (207) 844-8187
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