2024 Space week events list

- Ethics in Technology: October 1 webinar with Bruce Gagnon at 6:00 pm PST vahid.razavi1@gmail.com
- Global Research News Hour, Canada: October 2 Interview with Bruce Gagnon and host Michael Welch about what people will be doing during Keep Space for Peace Week. Also how space tech aids the current wars in Gaza, Lebanon and Ukraine and how space and satellites are being used to further aggression. 11 am EST. michaelwelch121@yahoo.ca
- Vandenberg Space Force Base, California: October 2 Protest vigil at main gate 3:45-4:45 pm jdapel2@gmail.com
- Bath Iron Works, Maine: October 5 Space week vigil at the Administration building on Washington St. from 11:30-12:30 207-763-4062 globalnet@mindspring.com
- Andover, Massachusetts: October 6 space week vigil at intersection of Rts 28 and 133, 12 noon till 1:00. brian@quirk.ws
- Jeju City, ROK: October 7 Rally to protestHanwha System, that is building the Space Center in Jeju, made an agreement on the technology and trade cooperation with Elbit Systems in Israel in 2021. The title is “Hanwha complicit in the genocide of Palestinians should leave Jeju”. armha2013@gmail.com
- Menwith Hill, England: October 8 Join the special Keep Space for Peace Menwith Hill Accountability Campaign protest at Menwith Hill in Yorkshire to highlight the United States surveillance and missile defence activity that makes us a significant military target. 6:00-7.30 pm. For further details, contact the Menwith Hill Accountability Campaign at mail@themhac.uk
- Whitehall (opposite Downing Street) London, England: October 9 Ministry of Defence. As part of the global Keep Space for Peace Week and especially in solidarity with PARC Not DARC who are campaigning to stop the Space Radar in Pembrokeshire, join Space Watch UK, CND and others outside the Ministry of Defence main building in Whitehall to call for a halt to the militarisation of space. Join us! Bring placards and banners! More details: 07960 811437. Noon-1:00 pm
- St Louis, Missouri: October 10 Peace Economy Project hosts Space militarization and demilitarization Webinar with Bruce Gagnon at 3:00 pm EST peaceeconomyproject@gmail.com
- Andover, Massachusetts: October 10 space week vigil at Raytheon weapons production facility entrance, 2:30 PM till 3:30. brian@quirk.ws
- White House, Washington DC: October 11 Keep Space for Peace signs to the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker White House peace vigil at noon-1:00 pm artlaffin@hotmail.com
- USAF (RAF) Croughton, England: October 12 Noon-3pm Croughton is one of the largest international intelligence hubs. This major U.S. communication and intelligence base supports many US military sites in Europe and is involved in world-wide war operations. These include space communications, data links, military drone information, bomber guidance, missile defence, diplomatic communications, and command and control war fighting functions. A connected base is at Barford St John, Banbury, Oxfordshire. oxfordcnd@phonecoop.coop
- Global Network Space issues webinar: Sunday, Oct 13 at 3:00 pm EST. Speakers include Dave Webb (UK), Tamara Lorincz (Canada), Sung-Hee Choi (South Korea) and Peter Burt (UK) globalnet@mindspring.com
- Vilnius, Lithuania: October 13 More TBA
- Creech Killer Drone Base, near Las Vegas: October 13-19 Shut Down Drone Warfare, Full week of Resistance www.ShutDownDroneWarfare.org
- Daejeon, South Korea: National space issues grassroots organizing meeting October 18-20 armha2013@gmail.com
- Visakhapatnam, India: Space issues presentation in schools. Date TBA prabhakar.jalluri@gmail.com
- Online hosted by Ayrshire CND: October 21, “Prestwick, Spaceports and Space”, examining the reach of the militarisation of space into Scotland. To attend, register in advance with Arthur (arthurwest7@hotmail.co.uk).
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More about Keep Space for Peace Week here.
See a report from some of last year’s events here.