The atmospheric reentry process generates extreme heat and mechanical loads, which lead to the satellite's disintegration at the altitude of about 45 miles. (Image credit: ESA)

Space debris problem spurs a bold change in US government regulations

By Elizabeth Howell, Publishd by, 12 April 2023 The Federal Communications Commission plans to streamline its space activities to meet fast-growing space safety needs. The fast-growing space debris issue is top of mind at a new space-focused division of the U.S. government. "Satellite and orbital debris rules" will be one of

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U.S. military begins launching satellites to counter hypersonic missile threat

By Stephen Clark, Published by Spaceflight Now, 2 April 2023 The first 10 spacecraft for a planned U.S. military mega-constellation launched from California Sunday aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, setting in place the keystone for a multibillion-dollar network of hundreds of small satellites to improve defenses against hypersonic missiles

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