Stalking the Bear

The unknown history of the CIA and NSA in Norway The author of this book is Bård Wormdal, an award winning author, filmmaker and journalist from Norway who specialises in intelligence and warfare. He has worked for NRK, Norway's largest mediahouse, for more than 30 years. Bård also published "The

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Exclusive: How CIA uses cyber weapon ‘Beehive’ to monitor, attack global key targets

By Zhao SiweiPublished by Global Times, 19 April 2022 A cyber weapon jointly developed by the US' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and defense giant Northrop Grumman has recently been exposed by Chinese cybersecurity experts.  The cyber weapon shows that the specter of the US military-industrial complex has fully penetrated international networks

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Eyes Over the Pacific

By Nicky Hager, Published by Declassified Australia, 28 February 2022 A ‘morally conflicted’ spying operation on Pacific nations sees Australia and New Zealand running a covert interception and surveillance program against our Pacific island friends. A spying network of satellite surveillance hubs and on-the-ground listening stations is being used by

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Menwith Hill: why is the United States set to increase its secret spying capability at Yorkshire surveillance base and how much will it cost?

By Dave Hammond, Published by the Yorkshire Post, 10 February 2022 It is little secret that the UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) remains the primary intelligence gathering partner of the United States' National Security Agency but concerns are mounting about the planned expansion of Menwith Hill - so why is

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Whitewashing Britain’s largest intelligence agency

Satellite dishes at GCHQ Bude in Cornwall (Photo: Nilfanion / Wikimedia) By Richard Norton Taylor, Published by Declassified UK, 10 February 2021 The new ‘authorised history’ of GCHQ, Britain’s largest intelligence agency, ignores or simply dismisses its most controversial activities as supposed scandals, giving a thoroughly one-sided account of the

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