Time to Negotiate for Peace in Space

"At this unique time in history when it is imperative that nations of the world join in cooperation to share resources to end the global plague assaulting its inhabitants and to avoid catastrophic climate destruction or earth-shattering nuclear devastation," writes Slater, "we are instead squandering our treasure and intellectual capacity

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Biden’s space policy: Insufficient military thrust

By Kartik Bommakanti, Published by Observer Research Foundation, 9 February, 2021 The Lagrange points in the dyads — Earth-Moon and Earth-Sun — are important because they allow movement of spacecraft or objects from point to another with the least cost to energy. The newly inaugurated Biden administration following a tumultuous

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Time to Negotiate for Peace in Space

By Alice Slater, World BEYOND War, 7 February, 2021 The U.S. mission to dominate and control the military use of space has been, historically and at present, a major obstacle to achieving nuclear disarmament and a peaceful path to preserve all life on earth. Reagan rejected Gorbachev’s offer to give

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