NASA indicated that the debris forced astronauts aboard the ISS to perform emergency actions, with the crew directed to close hatches to radial modules on the station, including Columbus, Kibo, the Permanent Multipurpose Module, the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module, and the Quest Joint Airlock. Russia's Roscosmos confirmed that Russian cosmonauts were instructed to shelter in the Soyuz spacecraft as a safety precaution.

Russian MoD: US Perfectly Aware Fragments of Downed Satellite Pose No Threat to Space Activities

By Staff Writers, Published by Space Daily, 18 November 2021 Moscow (Sputnik) - On Monday, State Department spokesman Ned Price accused Russia of "recklessly" carrying out a destructive satellite test using an anti-satellite missile against a defunct Soviet satellite. Washington claims the test generated "over 1,500 pieces of trackable orbital

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Can a space war be stopped?

By Paul Robinson, Published by Russia Today, 18 November 2021 News that Russia has tested an anti-satellite missile has sparked concern for spacecraft and, more worryingly, highlighted the lack of international treaties regulating space weapons, meaning the cosmos is becoming a battleground. While the US currently opposes controls on orbital

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This illustration from the European Space Agency represents all the space debris 1 mm in size and larger that is currently orbiting Earth. A 2018 report compares the problem of rocket emissions to that of space debris — another problem that wasn't tackled when it was small. (IRAS/TU Braunschweig)

Steve Wozniak’s startup Privateer plans to launch hundreds of satellites to study space debris

By Mike Wall, Published by, 18 November 2021 Privateer aims to characterize space junk like never before. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak's startup Privateer aims to help humanity get the goods on space junk before it's too late. The Hawaii-based company, whose existence Wozniak and co-founder Alex Fielding announced in

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Artist’s concept of Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapons Concept (HAWC) missile. (Raytheon)

Hypersonic spy planes and cargo transports? Pentagon is interested

By Theresa Hitchens, Published by Breaking Defense, 17 November 2021 You can imagine a reusable system that can fly around and drop payloads and come back, or a hypersonic system that can carry other hypersonic systems," said Gillian Bussey, head of DoD's Joint Hypersonics Transition Office. WASHINGTON: Reusable super-high-speed aircraft

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Sutherland Spaceport Gains Scottish Government’s Approval despite Concerns Raised by Environmentalists

By Emma Thorpe, Published by Orbital Today, 17 November 2021 The Scottish Government gave the go-ahead to the Sutherland Spaceport. The authority did this despite concerns that the new launch site could interfere with the precious peat bogs. The bogs are unique and contain excess amounts of carbon. New Launch

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