Image: Physicians for Safe Technology
By Katherine Kheel,
Posted 5 August 2024
For decades the wireless industry and US government have set and maintained safety standards for Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation (RF/MWR) that are not protective of human health or wildlife. The reason for these “guidelines” hearkens back to the military as explained by Magda Havas: Research on Biological Effects of Radio Frequency Radiation in Eurasian Communist Countries, 1976. – Dr. Magda Havas, PhD.
“This document clearly reflects the U.S. military’s resistance to lowering the guideline and their distrust of research conducted in the Eastern Block Countries. That distrust and the power wielded by the U.S. military is largely responsible for the status of the current guidelines, which fail to protect public and worker health.”
“If the more advanced nations of the West are strict in the enforcement of stringent exposure standards, there could be unfavorable effects on industrial output and military function. The Eurasian Communist countries could, on the other hand, give lip service to strict standards, but allow their military to operate without restriction and thereby gain the advantage in electronic warfare techniques and the development of antipersonnel applications.” [page vii]
“Should subsequent research result in adoption of the Soviet standard by other countries, industries whose practices are based on less stringent safety regulations, could be required to make costly modifications in order to protect workers. Recognition of the 0.01 mW/cm2 standard could also limit the application of new technology by making the commercial exploitation of some products unattractive because of increased cost, imposed by the need for additional safeguards.” [page 24]
Down load the US military document as a pdf (1.8 MB) here.
What did the US military know about the bioeffects of RF/MWR back then?
Basically, people at the American Embassy in Moscow were experiefdncing adverse effects from RF/MWR beginning in 1953 as detailed in this Politico article.
The US government, noting that Russia was far ahead in its understanding and use of RF/MWR, through the US Naval Medical Research Institute hired Dr. Zory Glaser to compile as much scientific information as he could find on the bio effects of RF/MWR. I believe it was in 1971 that Dr. Glaser handed over a notebook of 2000 studies he had collected. But after that, he discovered more and compiled a total of about 6000 studies…as explained by Dr. Magda Havas to whom he gave the studies. “A treasure chest of research on the bioeffects and health effects of microwave radiation!”
Message from Magda Havas about the now scanned 4000 documents collected by Zory Glaser for the US Navy.
Military and Government Reports from Physicians for Safe Technology | Updated 7/22/23
“While newer scientific literature on biological and physiological effects of microwave radiation is available online, there is a wealth of older and very valuable information from governmental policy organizations on research and health effects of radiofrequency radiation. These include the World Health Organization, the Naval Military Institute and NASA, that were written even before the 1970’s, which add thousands of studies to this scientific information base. These reports are long but thorough compendiums that indicate harm from this type of non-ionizing radiation has been known for many decades.