Weapons are already being developed for the first space war. [Source: thesun.co.uk]

Insane U.S. Plan to Spend Billions on Weaponizing Space Makes Defense Contractors Jump for Joy—But Rest of World Cowers in Horror at Prospect of New Arms Race Leading to World War III

By Karl Grossman, Published by CovertAction Magazine 25 August 2021 Imagine this scenario from the year 2045: The U.S. and China, after years of belligerence, go to war over control of the Taiwan straits; most of the battles are fought through cyber-attacks and space-based weapons systems that had been perfected

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Chinese military satellite damaged by Soviet rocket is the ‘first major orbital collision in a decade’

By Adam Smith, Published by yahoo!finance, 18 August 2021 China’s military satellite Yunhai 1-02 was mysteriously damaged on 18 March 2021, but scientists now know the cause of the issue was a piece of space debris. The US Space Force’s 18th Space Control Squadron (18SPCS) said that analysis was “ongoing”

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GPS 3F satellite artist rendition. Credit: Lockheed Martin

Military communications payloads could hitchhike on future GPS satellites

By Sandra Erwin, Published by Space News, 2 August 2021 Space-based communications from GPS satellites would give the military an additional layer of connectivity in medium Earth orbit WASHINGTON — The next generation of Global Positioning System satellites could host additional payloads to provide communications services, the U.S. Space Force

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Ilustration of a conceptual spacecraft enabled by nuclear thermal propulsion. Credit: NASA

Space Force sees ‘advantages and opportunities’ in nuclear-powered space missions

By Sandra Erwin, Published by SpaceNews, 28 July 2021 Thompson: Nuclear propulsion 'holds the potential for significant advantages in terms of efficiency compared to standard chemical rockets' WASHINGTON — Space vehicles powered by small nuclear reactors — a technology that NASA believes could help get humans to Mars faster —

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