Latest Past Events

Crowded space: why the increasing militarisation of space could risk nuclear war


The increasing militarisation of space is contributing to a wider problem: it's becoming dangerously crowded. Currently there are 27,000 human-made objects floating in space, and there are plans for this number to increase sharply. Billions of pounds are being spent by multiple countries – including the UK - on militarising space. This includes satellites, ground-based stations and new technologies such as armed drones, controlled through satellites. Not surprisingly, a crowded space has major implications for security, including increasing the risk of nuclear war. Find out more in this webinar. Chaired by Kate Hudson (General Secretary, CND) with speakers: Mélusine Lebert,...

Space Tourism Conference: Legal Dimensions

Bruce Gagnon; Dave Webb; Karl Grossman; Sandeepa Bhat; G.S. Sachdeva; Jennifer A. Brobst; Martha Mejia-Kaiser; Melissa de Zwart and Ram S. Jakhu

Nuclear Industry plans for space

Manhattan Project for a Nuclear Free World is hosting an event featuring Bruce Gagnon of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.

10:30 am Eastern Time (US and Canada)