Keep ‘Space for Peace Aotearoa’


Webinar with guest speaker Prof. Kevin Clements, Otago University Peace and Conflict Studies (former Chair), Director Toda Peace Institute and member Peace Foundation International Affairs and Disarmament Committee.

He will explain the dangers to NZ's security, sovereignty and national interest from Space launch activities.


Symphony of Minds: Feeling Our Way into a Vibrant Future


Symphony of Minds: Feeling Our Way into a Vibrant Future is a webinar co-sponsored by Stop 5G International and the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space. The webinar will bring together people from various fields and advocacy groups to share and cross fertilize minds and hearts, as we try to make sense of these seemingly disruptive and confusing times, and to feel into what may be manifesting on the horizon. It is evident and palpable that the world is in crisis now on many different fronts. Some of the issues we are now facing touch nearly every...


U.S. Militarism, Space Tech, and the Climate Crisis – The Role of Demilitarization in Climate Justice


This panel will identify the intersections of militarism, space tech, and climate change – and how these can be challenged.

Contributors: Lisa Savage - Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Koohan Paik-Mander - Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Adrienne Kinne - Veterans for Peace, David Collins - Veterans for Peace UK, Ashik Siddique - National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies

Master of Space or Master of Disaster?

Pentagon control and domination of space With Bruce Gagnon from Global Network (also VFP member) - sponsored by Boston-area Veterans For Peace Smedley Butler chapter. Begins at 7:00 pm EST. Click to join webinar here  

Impacts from Privatization of space: Environmental, Conflicts over celestial claims, war

 ICSS Marxist Library (San Francisco Bay area) is sponsoring this webinar with Bruce Gagnon from the Global Network as speaker. This talk will include the plans by the nuclear industry to establish nuclear rockets to Mars and nuclear-powered mining colonies on the planetary bodies. Included will be a review of US attempts to destroy the United Nations Outer Space and Moon Treaties as Obama in 2015 signed a new law giving US corporations the 'right' to make land claims for mining the sky in violation of those treaties. This will result in moving the war system into space as other...

Nuclear Industry plans for space

Manhattan Project for a Nuclear Free World is hosting an event featuring Bruce Gagnon of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.

10:30 am Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Space Tourism Conference: Legal Dimensions

Bruce Gagnon; Dave Webb; Karl Grossman; Sandeepa Bhat; G.S. Sachdeva; Jennifer A. Brobst; Martha Mejia-Kaiser; Melissa de Zwart and Ram S. Jakhu

Crowded space: why the increasing militarisation of space could risk nuclear war


The increasing militarisation of space is contributing to a wider problem: it's becoming dangerously crowded. Currently there are 27,000 human-made objects floating in space, and there are plans for this number to increase sharply. Billions of pounds are being spent by multiple countries – including the UK - on militarising space. This includes satellites, ground-based stations and new technologies such as armed drones, controlled through satellites. Not surprisingly, a crowded space has major implications for security, including increasing the risk of nuclear war. Find out more in this webinar. Chaired by Kate Hudson (General Secretary, CND) with speakers: Mélusine Lebert,...