The atmospheric reentry process generates extreme heat and mechanical loads, which lead to the satellite's disintegration at the altitude of about 45 miles. (Image credit: ESA)

Air pollution from reentering megaconstellation satellites could cause ozone hole 2.0

By Tereza Pultarova, Published by, 7 June 2021 When defunct satellites burn in the atmosphere, they leave behind chemicals that could damage the ozone layer and affect how much light Earth absorbs. Chemicals released as defunct satellites burn in the atmosphere could damage Earth’s protective ozone layer if plans

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Memorial Day: 5G AND THE MILITARY — Marriage Made in Hell

By Kate Kheel with Patricia Burke, Published by Natural Blaze, 26 May 2021 “What 5G means to the military 5G wireless communications is expected to move voice, video, text, and image data with bandwidth as fast as 300 GHz to create data on demand for the battlefield. 5G telecommunications technology

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Rocket Lab Campaigners Put Up Billboards Near Its NZ Launch Site. “Kati” – Maori For “Shut”, “Close”

By Murray Horton, Secretary/Organiser, Anti-Bases Campaign, Christchurch, New Zealand, 18 April 2021 Rocket Lab started life as a small New Zealand company but is now much bigger and has become the local subsidiary of a US company, with its owners including arms industry behemoths such as Lockheed Martin. It specialises

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