Why do protests keep happening at the Australian-US Defence facility Pine Gap near Alice Springs?

Pro-Palestinian protesters set up a blockade outside the Pine Gap military facility this morning. (ABC News: Alex Barwick) Published by ABC News, 27 November 2023 A group of protesters have blocked access to the highly secretive Pine Gap military facility in Central Australia. It's the second protest outside the joint Australian-US

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New Investigation Exposes CIA Role in 1975 Coup Against Australian Government which Wanted to Remove U.S. Spy Base

By Jeremy Kuzmarov, Published by Covert Action Magazine, 15 November 2023 British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, Queen Elizabeth and U.S. President Gerald Ford Sanctioned an Operation to Bring Left-Leaning Prime Minister Gough Whitlam Down by Having an Arms Company and Bank Run by CIA Assets Trick His Deputy Prime Minister

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Whitewashing Britain’s largest intelligence agency

By Richard Norton-Taylor, Published by Declassified UK, 10 February 2023 The new ‘authorised history’ of GCHQ, Britain’s largest intelligence agency, ignores or simply dismisses its most controversial activities as supposed scandals, giving a thoroughly one-sided account of the spy agency. First, it was the Security Service, MI5; then the Secret

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