On Aug 26, 2023 Jeju Grand March for Life and Peace participants gathered for a photo as they started the fourth and final day of the march. Photo by jum,jombbae
From: Gangjeong International Team, 4 February 2024
Greetings of Peace from Gangjeong Village!
We apologize for going so long without sending you an update from the Gangjeong peace movement. Gangjeong Village Story team members have been busy organizing events, dealing with health issues, travelling, etc. and it led to several delays. We hope that you have time to look back at our activities since August in this long 17-page issue.
In this issue:
Remembering the 6,000th day of the Gangjeong Struggle/ Jeju Grand March for Life and Peace/ Peace for the Sea International Camp in Miyako Island/ Gong Pyeong Hae- 1st Peace sailing project/ 5000km sailing completed/ Reflections After 100 Days at Sea/ 2023 Jeju Womens’ Peace Workshop “Empathy and Solidarity” / Demilitarization and non-alignment/ Trilateral alliance launch and UNC revitalization/ South Korean Defense Budget Grows/ Arms dealer Hanwha is entering Jeju/ Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water dumping begins despite resistance/ Military Road Opens… / Stop the notice of the basic plan on the 2nd airport/ Finishing Season 1 of the Jeju Climate Peace March/ Gangjeong Village joins the Gunsan Climate Peace March/ Bijarim-ro trial update/ Standing with Palestine from Jeju/ The Beginning of Peace, Nanjing Massacre Memorial/ April 3rd still discussed and reflected upon/ Peace Voyager/ Peace School for Youth in Asia/ Korea Peace Appeal Delivers Signatures/ “The Field, a Space for Connecting Words,” etc.
Please follow this link, scroll down, and click “download” to download the latest Gangjeong Village Story in printable a4 format: https://savejejunow.org/gangjeong-village-story-august-to-december-2023-issue/
Thank you always for your solidarity