Keep ‘Space for Peace Aotearoa’
WebinarWebinar with guest speaker Prof. Kevin Clements, Otago University Peace and Conflict Studies (former Chair), Director Toda Peace Institute and member Peace Foundation International Affairs and Disarmament Committee.
He will explain the dangers to NZ's security, sovereignty and national interest from Space launch activities.
The deadly connections between space militarization and the climate crisis
A UNAC sponsored webinar in conjuction with the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.
Speakers include: Dave Webb, Koohan Paik-Mander and Bruce Gagnon.
Nuclear Weapons in Outer Space
Manhattan Project for a Nuclear Free World is hosting an event on "Nuclear Weapons in Outer Space."
Featuring Bruce Gagnon, the Coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.
GN Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting of the Global Network Against Weapons and NUclear Power in Sapce