#NoWar2021: World Beyond War Conference: From Weapons Fairs to War Zones: Unravelling the War Machine
Two GN events:
17:45-18:45: Discussion Groups by Topic – Join a discussion group to learn more about these issues and meet others who are working on these campaigns!
Weapons in Space and the Conversion of the MIC: Who cares about an arms race in space? Is it far away and in the future? Let’s talk about what is going on with Space Force and the need to transform the war machine. Moderators: Bruce Gagnon, Dave Webb, and Mary Beth Sullivan.
Saturday, June 5, 2021
15:15-16:15: Panel: Star Wars: 21st Century Missile Defence with Lynda Williams, Dave Webb & Bruce Gagnon. Moderator: Mary Beth Sullivan. The push to move the arms race into space is accelerating dramatically. The US is pulling out of arms control treaties and refusing to negotiate a total ban on weapons in space at the United Nations. At the same time the Pentagon is provocatively encircling Russia and China with ‘Missile Defense’ systems (the shield) that is a key element in first-strike attack planning. The nuclear industry also views space as a new market for their deadly product with planned nuclear mining colonies, nuclear reactors on rockets to Mars and nuclear reactors to power space-based weapons systems. Learn more about the work of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space as we organize to Keep Space for Peace.
Keep ‘Space for Peace Aotearoa’
WebinarWebinar with guest speaker Prof. Kevin Clements, Otago University Peace and Conflict Studies (former Chair), Director Toda Peace Institute and member Peace Foundation International Affairs and Disarmament Committee.
He will explain the dangers to NZ's security, sovereignty and national interest from Space launch activities.
Peaceful Public Protest to’STOP Militarisation of Space’
Rocket Lab (Head Office) 25 Levene Place Mt Wellington Auckland
12:00 noon Monday 21st June
Speakers and Music over lunchtime 12:00-1:00pm to convey our concerns to workers, management and to inform the general public.
Symphony of Minds: Feeling Our Way into a Vibrant Future
WebinarSymphony of Minds: Feeling Our Way into a Vibrant Future is a webinar co-sponsored by Stop 5G International and the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space. The webinar will bring together people from various fields and advocacy groups to share and cross fertilize minds and hearts, as we try to make sense of these seemingly disruptive and confusing times, and to feel into what may be manifesting on the horizon. It is evident and palpable that the world is in crisis now on many different fronts. Some of the issues we are now facing touch nearly every...
Keep Space for Peace Week
A gold rush into space is now underway. There are tens of thousands of mini-satellites expected to be launched in coming years, mostly for 5G which will have military application for greater surveillance and targeting. We can expect growing deterioration of the Earth’s ozone layer due to toxic rocket exhaust. More spaceports (often in environmentally sensitive areas) are being constructed to handle the glut in launches. Astronomers are angry as they witness the dark night sky covered in satellite trails. The privatization of space for profit puts the United Nations’ Moon and Outer Space Treaties in jeopardy. The Pentagon’s ‘Space...
Linking Militarized Space & Climate Crisis – Latest news from US & Europe
Speakers: Stuart Parkinson (UK), Regina Hagen (Germany), Dieter Engels (German astronomer), Bruce Gagnon (Maine).
Time of event is 1:00 pm (New York) or 6:00 pm (London).
Linking Militarized Space & Climate Crisis – Latest news from Indo-Pacific
Speakers: Dave Webb (UK), Aruna Kammila (India), Kevin Clements (New Zealand), Koohan Paik-Mander (Hawaii), Bruce Gagnon (Maine).
Time of event is 7:00 am (New York) or 12:00 noon (London)
The Digitization of Warfare
A workshop at the 2021 World Peace Congress in Barcelona. Introduced by Dave Webb with speakers: Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, to speak on the militarization of space and hypersonic weapons; Joaquin Rodriguez, from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, and member of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control (ICRAC); Anne-Marie Buzatu, Vice President and Chief Operations Officer, ICT4Peace Foundation. Congress details: https://www.ipb2021.barcelona/celona/
U.S. Militarism, Space Tech, and the Climate Crisis – The Role of Demilitarization in Climate Justice
WebinarThis panel will identify the intersections of militarism, space tech, and climate change – and how these can be challenged.
Contributors: Lisa Savage - Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Koohan Paik-Mander - Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Adrienne Kinne - Veterans for Peace, David Collins - Veterans for Peace UK, Ashik Siddique - National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies
Master of Space or Master of Disaster?
Pentagon control and domination of space With Bruce Gagnon from Global Network (also VFP member) - sponsored by Boston-area Veterans For Peace Smedley Butler chapter. Begins at 7:00 pm EST. Click to join webinar here
The deadly connections between space militarization and the climate crisis
A UNAC sponsored webinar in conjuction with the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.
Speakers include: Dave Webb, Koohan Paik-Mander and Bruce Gagnon.