If you can, join the PARC against DARC protests against the proposed U.S. Space Force Deeps Space Advanced Radar Capability (DARC) in Pembrokeshire, Wales. More information from the website - Pembrokeshire Against DARC Radar (parcagainstdarc.com)
The annual Aerospace Summit is approaching fast, on the 23rd and 24th of September in Ōtautahi (Christchurch, New Zealand), and we need YOUR presence to shut it down! Boeing executive Kimberly Camrass is being paid to speak on 'Aerospace for good' at the conference- how on earth are the billions Boeing makes from bombing Palestinian family homes and hospitals, 'GOOD'?? We have to oppose this criminal industry! Book time off work or school, and let's work together to chase the American military warmongers out of our city! Sign the Stop The Space Waste petition, follow our instagram and Facebook for all the details and updates.
Each October the Global Network organizes Keep Space for Peace Week and asks folks around the world to help us concentrate public attention during that time on the dangerous and aggressive moves the US-NATO are making to nuclearize, militarize and weaponize space. We hope this October 5-12 you can find some way to help us in that goal to expand public consciousness about the absolute imperative to keep space for peace. A growing list of planned events can be seen here, get in touch with details of any event you are organising.