DoD Releases 2024 DoD Commercial Space Integration Strategy

Posted by US Department of Defense, 2 April 2024

Today, the Department of Defense released the 2024 DoD Commercial Space Integration Strategy. In line with the National Security Strategy and the 2022 National Defense Strategy, this strategy seeks to align the Department’s efforts and drive more effective integration of commercial space solutions into national security space architectures.

This strategy identifies four top-level priorities that the Department will pursue to maximize the benefits of integrating commercial space solutions:

  1.  Ensure access to commercial solutions across the spectrum of conflict;
  2.  Achieve integration prior to crisis;
  3.  Establish the security conditions to integrate commercial space solutions; and
  4. Support the development of new commercial space solutions for use by the joint force.

The Department will adhere to four foundational principles in its strategy, balance, interoperability, resilience, and responsible conduct, to ensure that commercial solutions are integrated into national security space architecture.

To integrate commercial space solutions, the Department will work with commercial entities to mitigate risk as necessary and accept risk where appropriate. Such integration will help deny adversaries the benefits of attacks against national security space systems and contribute to a safe, secure, stable, and sustainable space domain.  

You can read a copy of the strategy here.