Whitewashing Britain’s largest intelligence agency

Satellite dishes at GCHQ Bude in Cornwall (Photo: Nilfanion / Wikimedia) By Richard Norton Taylor, Published by Declassified UK, 10 February 2021 The new ‘authorised history’ of GCHQ, Britain’s largest intelligence agency, ignores or simply dismisses its most controversial activities as supposed scandals, giving a thoroughly one-sided account of the

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The State Of Mass Surveillance

Camera in Parliament Square. Image: Stephen Johnson, Flickr By Robert E.G. Beens,Published by Forbes, 20 September 2020 The U.S. Patriot Act, devised and enacted only weeks after 9/11 in 2001, has become a huge symbol of the massive expansion of government surveillance in the U.S. Twelve years later, in 2013,

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