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Keep Space for Peace Philippine Learning Session
with Bruce Gagnon
Keep Space for Peace Week – The Dangers of Crowded Orbits
Lower Earth orbit (LEO) is becoming dangerously crowded and NASA scientists fear growing space debris and likely cascading collisions in orbit. This, called the Kessler Syndrome, would endanger space activities and the use of satellites which so much technology relies on to function. The Global Network is involved in a legal action to pressure the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to follow the law and conduct environmental impact studies before approving the launching of satellites into space. In 1985-88 there were about 5000-6000 objects in orbit. Currently there are roughly 27,000 human-made objects in space Elon Musk’s Space X has launched...
Scotland Says Keep Space for Peace
Over the past decade, both the US and UK governments have designated space as a key focus as military operations increasingly rely on space-based assets for command and control, surveillance, targeting, missile warning and secure communications with forces deployed overseas. In 2019 the Ministry of Defence (MoD) declared that space should be seen as “a war fighting domain” and over the past two years we have seen the setting up of UK Space Command, the publication of a UK Defence Space Strategy outlining how the MoD will “protect the UK’s national interests in space” and the announcement of a portfolio...