Rally at Croughton USAF base

USAF Croughton RAF Croughton, Croughton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Military Nerve Centre of the US War Machine in the UK Electronic surveillance and satellite communication spy base Saturday October 7th, 12 to 3pm (UK time) Speakers from 1pm: TOM UNTERRAINER - Chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament JOHN GITTINGS - former Foreign Affairs editor, 'The Guardian' PETER BURT - Drone Wars UK LINDIS PERCY - activist and founder of the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases We need to make this top-secret base more visible and answerable to the British people. ALready it has been key to satellite direction of wars of resources in the Middle East,...

Crowded space: why the increasing militarisation of space could risk nuclear war


The increasing militarisation of space is contributing to a wider problem: it's becoming dangerously crowded. Currently there are 27,000 human-made objects floating in space, and there are plans for this number to increase sharply. Billions of pounds are being spent by multiple countries – including the UK - on militarising space. This includes satellites, ground-based stations and new technologies such as armed drones, controlled through satellites. Not surprisingly, a crowded space has major implications for security, including increasing the risk of nuclear war. Find out more in this webinar. Chaired by Kate Hudson (General Secretary, CND) with speakers: Mélusine Lebert,...

Keep Space for Peace Week October 5-12 2024

Each October the Global Network organizes Keep Space for Peace Week and asks folks around the world to help us concentrate public attention during that time on the dangerous and aggressive moves the US-NATO are making to nuclearize, militarize and weaponize space. We hope this October 5-12 you can find some way to help us in that goal to expand public consciousness about the absolute imperative to keep space for peace. A growing list of planned events can be seen here, get in touch with details of any event you are organising.
