Concept of near future when robot dogs are used to assist police forces on assignments. The robot dog in the image has a camera mounted on top of the body. mikkelwilliam / GETTY

What 5G Will Actually Do for the U.S. Military

By Patrick Tucker, Published by Defense One, 10 June 2021 Lots of sensors, lots of data, open up the possibilities of energy conservation, better security, robot teaming, and much more, military experiments show. Imagine a city where self-driving electric cars anticipate when and where their passengers will need a lift

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The atmospheric reentry process generates extreme heat and mechanical loads, which lead to the satellite's disintegration at the altitude of about 45 miles. (Image credit: ESA)

Air pollution from reentering megaconstellation satellites could cause ozone hole 2.0

By Tereza Pultarova, Published by, 7 June 2021 When defunct satellites burn in the atmosphere, they leave behind chemicals that could damage the ozone layer and affect how much light Earth absorbs. Chemicals released as defunct satellites burn in the atmosphere could damage Earth’s protective ozone layer if plans

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Rocket Man vs the Earthlings!

By Ian Birrell, Published by the Mail on Sunday, 5 June 2021 Elon Musk hopes to colonise Mars. But first he must overcome a problem on THIS planet – furious families who say his spacecraft are ruining their peaceful homes There cannot be many more idyllic spots for those seeking

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The Nuclearization of Space

By Karl Grossman, Published by CounterPunch, 3 June 2021 “BACK TO THE FUTURE NASA’S NEW NUCLEAR VISION” was the headline emblazoned on the cover this past month of the leading U.S. aerospace trade publication, Aviation Week & Space Technology. “More than sixty years after the U.S. began serious studies into

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